Munoz-Antonia, Teresita

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The pattern of expression of TGF beta receptors and signal transducers
As has been previously shown for breast and head and neck tumors, the expression of TBR-II was greatly reduced in lung carcinomas. In addition, the expression of TGF-beta pathway-specific SMAD 2 was reduced. These data suggest that defects in the TGF- beta signaling pathway are common in lung carcinomas and could be exploited as potential markers.
The pattern of expression of TGF beta receptors and signal transducers
As has been previously shown for breast and head and neck tumors, the expression of TBR-II was greatly reduced in lung carcinomas. In addition, the expression of TGF-beta pathway-specific SMAD 2 was reduced. These data suggest that defects in the TGF- beta signaling pathway are common in lung carcinomas and could be exploited as potential markers.

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Photograph of Munoz-Antonia, Teresita
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
No email set
(813) 979-3893
Person ID
EDRN Title
Co-Principal Investigator
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