  • AIDD
  • DCD
  • DCD-1
  • DSEP
  • Dermcidin
  • Diffusible Survival/Evasion Peptide
  • HCAP
  • PIF
  • Preproteolysin
  • Proteolysis Inducing Factor
  • Survival Promoting Peptide
From NCBI Gene: This antimicrobial gene encodes a secreted protein that is subsequently processed into mature peptides of distinct biological activities. The C-terminal peptide is constitutively expressed in sweat and has antibacterial and antifungal activities. The N-terminal peptide, also known as diffusible survival evasion peptide, promotes neural cell survival under conditions of severe oxidative stress. A glycosylated form of the N-terminal peptide may be associated with cachexia (muscle wasting) in cancer patients. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2014]
QA State
Under Review
  • None
QA State for Breast
Under Review

 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.