  • BDK
  • BK
  • Fitzgerald factor
  • HAE6
  • HMWK
  • High molecular weight kininogen
  • KNG
  • KNG1
  • Kininogen-1
  • Williams-Fitzgerald-Flaujeac factor
  • alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor
  • bradykinin
  • kininogen
  • kininogen 1
Kininogens are inhibitors of thiol proteases. The KNG1 gene uses alternative splicing to generate two different proteins- high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) and low molecular weight kininogen (LMWK). HMW-kininogen plays an important role in blood coagulation by helping to position optimally prekallikrein and factor XI next to factor XII. HMW-kininogen also inhibits the thrombin- and plasmin-induced aggregation of thrombocytes. LMW-kininogen inhibits the aggregation of thrombocytes. LMW-kininogen, in contrast to HMW-kininogen, is not involved in blood clotting.
QA State
Under Review
  • None
QA State for Breast
Under Review

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

  • None
QA State for Liver
Under Review

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.