  • 190 KDa Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Antigen
  • 195 KDa Cornified Envelope Precursor Protein
  • KIAA0568
  • PPL
  • Periplakin
From NCBI Gene: The protein encoded by this gene is a component of desmosomes and of the epidermal cornified envelope in keratinocytes. The N-terminal domain of this protein interacts with the plasma membrane and its C-terminus interacts with intermediate filaments. Through its rod domain, this protein forms complexes with envoplakin. This protein may serve as a link between the cornified envelope and desmosomes as well as intermediate filaments. AKT1/PKB, a protein kinase mediating a variety of cell growth and survival signaling processes, is reported to interact with this protein, suggesting a possible role for this protein as a localization signal in AKT1-mediated signaling. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
QA State
Under Review
  • None
QA State for Breast

 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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 Non-Public Biomarker

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