  • CD90
  • THY1
From NCBI Gene: This gene encodes a cell surface glycoprotein and member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins. The encoded protein is involved in cell adhesion and cell communication in numerous cell types, but particularly in cells of the immune and nervous systems. The encoded protein is widely used as a marker for hematopoietic stem cells. This gene may function as a tumor suppressor in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2015]
QA State
Under Review
  • None
QA State for Prostate
Under Review

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.

 Non-Public Biomarker

Organ-specific information for this biomarker is currently being annotated or is "under review". Logging in may give you privileges to view additional information. Contact the Informatics Center if you believe you should have access.