Deppen, Stephen

Open Protocols

Protocol Name Investigatory Role Biomarkers Data Collections
Indeterminate pulmonary nodule biomarker clinical utility trial Involved 0 0
Lung Cancer Risk Trial Involved 0 0

Closed Protocols

This person has no closed protocols at the present moment.


Publication NamePubMed IDJournal
Age-related Muscle Fat Infiltration in Lung Screening Participants: Impact of Smoking Cessation. 38106099
Assessing the clinical utility of biomarkers using the intervention probability curve (IPC). 38073376
Assessing the transportability of radiomic models for lung cancer diagnosis: commercial <i>vs.</i> open-source feature extractors. 39263016
Biomarkers in Lung Cancer Screening: a Narrative Review. 37016707 Curr Chall Thorac Surg
Elucidating the role of EPPK1 in lung adenocarcinoma development. 38594604
Extending the value of routine lung screening CT with quantitative body composition assessment. 36303578 Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
Improving lung cancer diagnosis with cancer, fungal, and imaging biomarkers. 36792410 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
Improving Lung Cancer Diagnosis with CT Radiomics and Serum Histoplasmosis Testing. 36535650 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Improving malignancy risk prediction of indeterminate pulmonary nodules with imaging features and biomarkers. 35870539 Clin Chim Acta
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence as a Safety Net for Incidentally Identified Lung Nodules at a Tertiary Center. 39803962 J Am Coll Surg
Lung CT harmonization of paired reconstruction kernel images using generative adversarial networks. 38530135
Optimizing Biomarker Models for Biologically Heterogeneous Cancers: A Nested Model Approach for Lung Cancer. 40072122 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Performance of Lung Cancer Prediction Models for Screening-detected, Incidental, and Biopsied Pulmonary Nodules. 39907586 Radiol Artif Intell
Potential for trans-pulmonary tumor markers in the early diagnosis of lung cancer: a case report. 39294582 BMC Pulm Med
Reducing uncertainty in cancer risk estimation for patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules using an integrated deep learning model. 36198225 Comput Biol Med
The Intervention Probability Curve: Modeling the Practical Application of Threshold-Guided Decision-Making, Evaluated in Lung, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers. 35732292 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
The Lung Cancer Prediction Model "Stress Test": Assessment of Models' Performance in a High-Risk Prospective Pulmonary Nodule Cohort. 38737731
The Thoracic Research Evaluation and Treatment 2.0 Model: A Lung Cancer Prediction Model for Indeterminate Nodules Referred for Specialist Evaluation. 37421973
TP53 mutation prevalence in normal airway epithelium as a biomarker for lung cancer risk. 37612638 BMC Cancer
Transcriptomics profiling of the non-small cell lung cancer microenvironment across disease stages reveals dual immune cell-type behaviors. 39606240 Front Immunol
Update on biomarkers for the stratification of indeterminate pulmonary nodules. 37244587 Chest
Validation of a Proteomic Signature of Lung Cancer Risk from Bronchial Specimens of Risk-Stratified Individuals. 37760474
Valuing Innovation in the Bronchoscopy Suite. 39601502 Ann Am Thorac Soc


Validation and measurement of clinical utility in biomarkers, application of machine learning in device and drug surveillance using the electronic health records
As a clinical epidemiologist, Dr. Deppen evaluates and seeks to improve the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of various cancers. He is an Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery, co-director of the Vanderbilt’s Thoracic Biorepository and the Early Detection Research Network’s Lung Group National Clinical Validation Center. He also co-leads the MASLAB with Drs. Maldonado and Grogan. Through these roles he has extensive experience in the validation and clinical evaluation of imaging based models, biomarkers, and diagnostic tests with a focus on the early detection of lung cancer. Dr. Deppen’s current research focuses on validation and measurement of clinical utility in biomarkers, application of machine learning in device and drug surveillance using the electronic health records and development of Veteran specific lung cancer screening models, which extensively uses machine learning to link service related and subsequent cancer exposures. In addition to his expertise in lung cancer, he has extensive expertise and publications in the areas of cost effectiveness and implementation science with a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Since the beginning of his research career, Dr. Deppen has worked directly with clinicians and scientists to bring evidence to the bedside and improve healthcare across a variety of diseases and their interventions. He is a member of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) in the areas of epidemiology and biomarker validation as well as being the co-chair of the biological reference sets working group.

To update protocols, publications, biomarkers, or science data, please contact the Data Management and Coordinating Center.

Photograph of Deppen, Stephen
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Person ID
EDRN Title
EDRN Principal Investigator
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