Frequent expression of Niban in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and squamous dysplasia.


Niban was initially identified in the Eker rat, a model of renal carcinogenesis. We examined Niban expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and head and neck dysplastic lesions.

Using a polyclonal rabbit anti-human Niban antibody, 43 cases of HNSCC and 30 cases of head and neck squamous dysplasia were immuonohistochemically stained for Niban. Ancillary genetic studies were also performed.

Forty-two of 43 HNSCCs (97.6%) and 20 of 30 (66.6%) dysplastic lesions were positively stained for Niban. The staining was generally less intense in cases of dysplasia than HNSCC. Three of 8 normal mucosal samples from drinker/smokers also showed weak Niban expression. Normal head and neck squamous epithelium from nondrinker/nonsmokers did not stained for Niban. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction results matched the immuonohistochemical results.

The expression of Niban frequently begins in the early stages of head and neck squamous carcinoma and remains upregulated throughout the carcinogenic process. Niban may be a good molecular marker of HNSCC.

EDRN PI Authors
Medline Author List
  • Abe M
  • Fujii H
  • Hino O
  • Ikeda K
  • Ito S
  • Matsumoto T
PubMed ID
Appears In
Head Neck, 2010 Jan, volume 32 (issue 1)