Metadata Check List
Metadata Check List
This page provides a checklist of Collection metadata fields required for submission to LabCAS, as entered via the Data Submission Form, as well as metadata required for Dataset and File.
- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and cannot be omitted.
- Use this checklist to gather all metadata before completing the Data Submission Form.
- For assistance, please contact the JPL Informatics Center.
Collection Metadata
- *Collection Name - A short descriptive name for high level data collection.
- *Collection Description - A description of the data captured in this data collection.
- *EDRN Lead PI Name/Lead PI ID - The lead principal investigators or co-investigators person id; the primary data producer.
- *EDRN Institution Name/InstitutionID - The institution that collected this data.
- *Data Custodian - The person responsible for this data collection.
- *Data Custodian Email - Data custodian's email address.
- *AdditionalInvolvedResearchers - Name of additional involved researcher, separated by commas, in priority order.
- *EDRN Protocol Name/Protocol ID - The protocol title that describes the study this data was captured under. This is the EDRN approved protocol/study from which the data was obtained. Search for your protocol or contact the DMCC if you need to obtain an EDRN protocol.
- *Discipline - A domain or grouping of medical science technologies.
- Genomics
- Immunology
- Metabolomics
- Pathology
- Pathology Images
- Proteomics
- Radiology
- Other
- Other, Specify if not listed above
- *Data Category - A subgroup of discipline.
- Antibody Microarray
- Biospecimen
- CT
- Clinical
- DNA Methylation Sequencing
- DNA Microarray Analysis
- Documentation
- Fluoroscopy
- Immunoassay
- Immunohistochemestry
- LabMAP
- Luminex
- Mammography
- Mass Spectrometry
- Multiplex-Immunofluorescent Staining
- Protein Microarray
- RNA Sequencing
- Radiomics
- Sequencing
- Single Slide Image
- Tissue Micro Array
- Whole Slide Imaging
- Other
- Other, Specify if not listed above
- *Organ - The specific organ or anatomical structure that was the focus of the data collection.
- Bladder
- Blood
- Bone
- Brian
- Breast
- Bronchus
- Cartilage
- Cervix
- Colon
- Esophagus
- Head & neck, NDS
- Hypopharynx
- Kidney
- Larynx
- Liver
- Lung
- Lymph Nodes
- Mouth
- Nasopharynx
- Nose
- Oral Cavity
- Oropharynx
- Ovary
- Pancreas
- Placenta
- Prostate
- Rectum
- Skin
- Stomach
- Testis
- Throat
- Thyroid
- Uterus
- Vagina
- *EDRN Collaborative Group – The EDRN Collaborative Group.
- Lung and Upper Areodigestive
- G.I. and Other Associated
- Breast and Gynecological
- Prostate and Urologic
- *De-identification Method - The HIPPA Privacy Rule de-identification method. Please refer to Health and Human Services - Methods for De-identification of PHI for more information.
- Expert Determination:
A qualified expert certifies that the risk of re-identification is very small, documents the methods used, and justifies the determination. - Safe Harbor:
Specific identifiers (e.g., names, addresses) are removed as per the Privacy Rule (see full list on HHS website).
- Expert Determination:
- *Results and Conclusion Summary - The results and conclusions from this data collection.
- *MethodDetails - A comprehensive description of the methodologies and procedures used in the collection and processing of the data collection. This includes information on the experimental design, data collection techniques, equipment used, protocols followed, and any specific conditions or settings applied during the data acquisition process. Additionally, it captures details about any tools, software, or algorithms utilized in data processing and analysis, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of the research.
- *Species - The species for which this data collection was conducted, identifying the organism(s) that are the subject of this data collection.
- PubMedID - The NIH PubMed identifier that links to the publication produced by this data collection.
- URL Link - URL link to external or additional data described by this collection.
- URL Description - the description of the URL link used to reference additional information or point to data in external repositories.
- dbGAP
- Genomics Data Commons
- Clinical Data
- DOI - Digital Object Identifier that is associated with the data, not the publication, being described.
- DOI URL - URL form of the DOI that is associated with the data being described.
Dataset Metadata
- *Dataset Name - A short descriptive name for dataset.
- *Dataset Description - A description of the data captured in this dataset.
- *Instrument - A description of the specific equipment or instrument used to collect or generate the data collection. This information is intended to further define the context and quality of the data for potential reuse. For example: "Hologic Selenia FFDM 2D units and Dimensions digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) units operating in the 2D mode."
File Metadata
- *File Name - The name of the file being uploaded.
- *EDRN Submitting Site ID - The institutionID(s)that is submitting the data.
- *EDRN Submitting Person ID - The lead person submitting the data.
- *Processing Level - The stage or degree of data processing applied to a file, indicating whether the data is raw, intermediate, or fully processed.
- *File Content Type - This field identifies the principal nature of the file content, providing immediate insight into the type of information the file contains and its relevance to the data collection.