Unger, Elizabeth R.

Open Protocols

Protocol Name Investigatory Role Biomarkers Data Collections
Clinical Validation of Molecular Signatures of Cervical Neoplasia Coordinating 0 0
Development of FISH-based assay for early detection of high grade cervical dysplasia Leading 0 0
Identification of New Markers in Normal and Abnormal Pap Smears Leading 0 0

Closed Protocols

Protocol Name Investigatory Role Biomarkers Data Collections
EDRN Resource Network Exchange Involved 0 0


Publication NamePubMed IDJournal
Bioelectronic DNA detection of human papillomaviruses using eSensor: a model system for detection of multiple pathogens. 12814521 BMC Infect Dis
Characterization of the Human Cervical Mucous Proteome. 20461121 Clin Proteomics
Correlates of cervical mucosal antibodies to human papillomavirus 16: results from a case control study. 16229879 Gynecol Oncol
DNA and RNA references for qRT-PCR assays in exfoliated cervical cells. 16436642 J Mol Diagn
Effect of storage temperatures on the stability of cytokines in cervical mucous. 17449271 Cytokine
Epidemiologic and viral factors associated with cervical neoplasia in HPV-16-positive women. 15688414 Int J Cancer
Evaluation of RNA markers for early detection of cervical neoplasia in exfoliated cervical cells. 17301262 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Gene expression profile of cervical tissue compared to exfoliated cells: impact on biomarker discovery. 15876354 BMC Genomics
Gene expression profiling of dysplastic differentiation in cervical epithelial cells harboring human papillomavirus 16. 15885499 Genomics
Global amplification of sense RNA: a novel method to replicate and archive mRNA for gene expression analysis. 13679029 Genomics
Impact of RNA extraction from limited samples on microarray results. 14628670 Biotechniques
Low-dose topical delivery of all-trans retinoic acid for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II and III. 15598773 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Molecular markers for early detection of cervical neoplasia. 15322318 Dis Markers
Molecular quality of exfoliated cervical cells: implications for molecular epidemiology and biomarker discovery. 15006929 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Optimization of SELDI-TOF protein profiling for analysis of cervical mucous. 19064004 J Proteomics
Psychosocial factors in risk of cervical intraepithelial lesions. 19361319 J Womens Health (Larchmt)
Quantitation of site-specific HPV 16 DNA methylation by pyrosequencing. 17045346 J Virol Methods


cervical cancer
Prevention and early detection of cervical cancer evaluated from public health perspective.
Pathogenesis of cervical cancer and other HPV-related neoplasias.
Mechanisms of viral oncogenesis.
Epidemiology of HPV infection and transmission
Improving and validating techniques for applications in molecular pathology including in situ hybridization and gene expression profiling

To update protocols, publications, biomarkers, or science data, please contact the Data Management and Coordinating Center.

Photograph of Unger, Elizabeth R.
Centers for Disease Control
M.D., Ph.D.
(404) 639-3540
Person ID
EDRN Title
EDRN Associate Member
To update contact information, please visit the Data Management and Coordinating Center .