17-Gene Genomic Prostate Score Test Results in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS) Cohort. |
32130059 |
J Clin Oncol |
[-2]proenzyme prostate specific antigen for prostate cancer detection: a national cancer institute early detection research network validation study. |
18550118 |
J Urol |
A <i>K</i>-fold Averaging Cross-validation Procedure. |
27630515 |
J Nonparametr Stat |
A Bayesian screening approach for hepatocellular carcinoma using multiple longitudinal biomarkers. |
28482112 |
Biometrics |
A data-analytic strategy for protein biomarker discovery: profiling of high-dimensional proteomic data for cancer detection. |
12925511 |
Biostatistics |
A Flexible Method for Diagnostic Accuracy with Biomarker Measurement Error. |
37251695 |
Mathematics (Basel) |
A four-gene transcript score to predict metastatic-lethal progression in men treated for localized prostate cancer: Development and validation studies. |
31376183 |
Prostate |
A Gastric Glycoform of MUC5AC Is a Biomarker of Mucinous Cysts of the Pancreas. |
27992432 |
PLoS One |
A model for the design and construction of a resource for the validation of prognostic prostate cancer biomarkers: the Canary Prostate Cancer Tissue Microarray. |
23232570 |
Adv Anat Pathol |
A multicenter, double-blinded validation study of methylation biomarkers for progression prediction in Barrett's esophagus. |
19435894 |
Cancer Res |
A multiparametric panel for ovarian cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and response to chemotherapy. |
18056174 |
Clin Cancer Res |
A multiparametric serum kallikrein panel for diagnosis of non-small cell lung carcinoma. |
18316555 |
Clin Cancer Res |
A multivariate parametric empirical Bayes screening approach for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma using multiple longitudinal biomarkers. |
35199349 |
Stat Med |
A new family-based association test via a least-squares method. |
16451567 |
BMC Genet |
A parametric ROC model-based approach for evaluating the predictiveness of continuous markers in case-control studies. |
19459841 |
Biometrics |
A Phase 3 Biomarker Validation of GALAD for the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhosis. |
39293548 |
A Plasma Biomarker Panel to Identify Surgically Resectable Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer. |
28376184 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
A Plasma-Derived Protein-Metabolite Multiplexed Panel for Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer. |
30137376 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
A practical multifaceted approach to selecting differentially expressed genes. |
19455259 |
Cancer Inform |
A prospective, multicenter, National Cancer Institute Early Detection Research Network study of [-2]proPSA: improving prostate cancer detection and correlating with cancer aggressiveness. |
20447916 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
A regularized multivariate regression approach for eQTL analysis. |
26085849 |
Stat Biosci |
A rigorous multi-laboratory study of known PDAC biomarkers identifies increased sensitivity and specificity over CA19-9 alone. |
39276915 |
A sparse Ising model with covariates. |
25099186 |
Biometrics |
A statistical method for detecting differentially expressed SNVs based on next-generation RNA-seq data. |
27276420 |
Biometrics |
A two-stage approach for dynamic prediction of time-to-event distributions. |
26748812 |
Stat Med |
A web-based system for managing and co-ordinating multiple multisite studies. |
16279578 |
Clin Trials |
Accommodating Covariates in ROC Analysis. |
20046933 |
Stata J |
Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule: a novel biomarker for breast cancer. |
19322904 |
Int J Cancer |
Adding Rigor to Biomarker Evaluations-EDRN Experience. |
33172885 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Addressing patient heterogeneity in disease predictive model development. |
34184256 |
Biometrics |
Adjusting for covariate effects on classification accuracy using the covariate-adjusted receiver operating characteristic curve. |
22822245 |
Biometrika |
Adjusting for covariates in studies of diagnostic, screening, or prognostic markers: an old concept in a new setting. |
18477651 |
Am J Epidemiol |
Adopting nested case-control quota sampling designs for the evaluation of risk markers. |
23807695 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Alpha-fetoprotein, des-gamma carboxyprothrombin, and lectin-bound alpha-fetoprotein in early hepatocellular carcinoma. |
19362088 |
Gastroenterology |
An Automated Peak Identification/Calibration Procedure for High-Dimensional Protein Measures From Mass Spectrometers. |
14615632 |
J Biomed Biotechnol |
Analysis of serum haptoglobin fucosylation in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis of different etiologies. |
24807840 |
J Proteome Res |
Analytical validation of serum proteomic profiling for diagnosis of prostate cancer: sources of sample bias. |
17981926 |
Clin Chem |
Analyzing LC-MS/MS data by spectral count and ion abundance: two case studies. |
24163717 |
Stat Interface |
Application of a methylation gene panel by quantitative PCR for lung cancers. |
16644104 |
Cancer Lett |
Application of Multidimensional Selective Item Response Regression Model for Studying Multiple Gene Methylation in SV40 Oncogenic Pathways. |
19830254 |
J Am Stat Assoc |
Application of the time-dependent ROC curves for prognostic accuracy with multiple biomarkers. |
16542256 |
Biometrics |
Aspects of the design and analysis of high-dimensional SNP studies for disease risk estimation. |
16443924 |
Biostatistics |
Assessing accuracy of mammography in the presence of verification bias and intrareader correlation. |
15737102 |
Biometrics |
Assessing prostate cancer risk: results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. |
16622122 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Assessing risk prediction models in case-control studies using semiparametric and nonparametric methods. |
20527013 |
Stat Med |
Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of a sequence of tests. |
12925502 |
Biostatistics |
Assessing the incremental value of new biomarkers based on OR rules. |
30590454 |
Biostatistics |
Assessing the value of risk predictions by using risk stratification tables. |
19017593 |
Ann Intern Med |
Assessing treatment-selection markers using a potential outcomes framework. |
22299708 |
Biometrics |
Assessment of Lung Cancer Risk on the Basis of a Biomarker Panel of Circulating Proteins. |
30003238 |
JAMA Oncol |
Association Between Combined TMPRSS2:ERG and PCA3 RNA Urinary Testing and Detection of Aggressive Prostate Cancer. |
28520829 |
JAMA Oncol |
Association of HPC2/ELAC2 polymorphisms with risk of prostate cancer in a population-based study. |
14504198 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Association of serum phospholipid fatty acids with breast cancer risk among postmenopausal cigarette smokers. |
19255861 |
Cancer Causes Control |
Associations of Race and Ethnicity with Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Decompensation, and Mortality in US Veterans with Cirrhosis. |
37255388 |
Asymptotic Properties of the Sequential Empirical ROC, PPV and NPV Curves Under Case-Control Sampling. |
24039313 |
Ann Stat |
Bayesian inference of hub nodes across multiple networks. |
30051914 |
Biometrics |
Bias-reduced estimators and confidence intervals for odds ratios in genome-wide association studies. |
18310059 |
Biostatistics |
Biases introduced by choosing controls to match risk factors of cases in biomarker research. |
22730452 |
Clin Chem |
Biomarker evaluation and comparison using the controls as a reference population. |
18755739 |
Biostatistics |
Biomarker evaluation under imperfect nested case-control design. |
33915597 |
Stat Med |
Biomarker-based methods for determining noncompliance in a prevention trial. |
12505245 |
Control Clin Trials |
Biomarkers and Strategy to Detect Preinvasive and Early Pancreatic Cancer: State of the Field and the Impact of the EDRN. |
32532830 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Blood-Based Biomarker Panel for Personalized Lung Cancer Risk Assessment. |
34995129 |
J Clin Oncol |
Boosted decision tree analysis of surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectral serum profiles discriminates prostate cancer from noncancer patients. |
12324514 |
Clin Chem |
Boosting with missing predictors. |
19948743 |
Biostatistics |
24563684 |
Ann Appl Stat |
Borrowing Information across Populations in Estimating Positive and Negative Predictive Values. |
22021938 |
J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat |
Calibrate Variations in Biomarker Measures for Improving Prediction with Time-to-event Outcomes. |
33833826 |
Stat Biosci |
Can urinary PCA3 supplement PSA in the early detection of prostate cancer? |
25385735 |
J Clin Oncol |
Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study: design of a multi-institutional active surveillance cohort and biorepository. |
19758683 |
Urology |
Cancer Biomarkers and Big Data: A Planetary Science Approach. |
32976775 |
Cancer Cell |
Characterizing expected benefits of biomarkers in treatment selection. |
25190512 |
Biostatistics |
Classification versus association models: should the same methods apply? |
20515278 |
Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl |
Clinical and biological features associated with epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations in lung cancers. |
15741570 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Clinical development of a blood biomarker using apolipoprotein-A2 isoforms for early detection of pancreatic cancer. |
38261000 |
Clinical utility of five genetic variants for predicting prostate cancer risk and mortality. |
19058137 |
Prostate |
Combining biomarkers linearly and nonlinearly for classification using the area under the ROC curve. |
27058981 |
Stat Med |
Combining biomarkers to detect disease with application to prostate cancer. |
14557109 |
Biostatistics |
Combining multiple biomarkers linearly to maximize the partial area under the ROC curve. |
29082535 |
Stat Med |
Combining predictors for classification using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. |
16542249 |
Biometrics |
Combining results of microarray experiments: a rank aggregation approach. |
17049026 |
Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol |
Combining several screening tests: optimality of the risk score. |
12230001 |
Biometrics |
Commentary: Reporting standards are needed for evaluations of risk reclassification. |
21571811 |
Int J Epidemiol |
Comments on 'Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: From area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond' by M. J. Pencina et al., Statistics in Medicine (DOI: 10.1002/sim.2929). |
17671958 |
Stat Med |
Comparing the predictive values of diagnostic tests: sample size and analysis for paired study designs. |
16895044 |
Clin Trials |
Comparison of two correlated ROC curves at a given specificity or sensitivity level. |
27324068 |
Stat Med |
Comparison of two correlated ROC surfaces at a given pair of true classification rates. |
30010205 |
Stat Med |
Conditional concordance-assisted learning under matched case-control design for combining biomarkers for population screening. |
36733187 |
Stat Med |
Conditional estimation after a two-stage diagnostic biomarker study that allows early termination for futility. |
22238117 |
Stat Med |
Conditional estimation of sensitivity and specificity from a phase 2 biomarker study allowing early termination for futility. |
19097251 |
Stat Med |
Constructing dynamic treatment regimes with shared parameters for censored data. |
31951041 |
Stat Med |
Construction and analysis of the NCI-EDRN breast cancer reference set for circulating markers of disease. |
25471344 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Continued 5α-Reductase Inhibitor Use after Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and the Risk of Reclassification and Adverse Pathological Outcomes in the PASS. |
30076904 |
J Urol |
Contrasting two frameworks for ROC analysis of ordinal ratings. |
20147599 |
Med Decis Making |
Contribution of a Blood-Based Protein Biomarker Panel to the Classification of Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules. |
33137463 |
J Thorac Oncol |
Contributions of Circulating microRNAs for Early Detection of Lung Cancer. |
36077759 |
Cancers (Basel) |
Copy number alterations are associated with metastatic-lethal progression in prostate cancer. |
32071439 |
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis |
Counting Advanced Precancerous Lesions as True Positives When Determining Colorectal Cancer Screening Test Specificity. |
35134969 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Cruciferous vegetable supplementation in a controlled diet study alters the serum peptidome in a GSTM1-genotype dependent manner. |
21272319 |
Nutr J |
Data reduction using a discrete wavelet transform in discriminant analysis of very high dimensionality data. |
12762451 |
Biometrics |
Definitive Characterization of CA 19-9 in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Using a Reference Set of Serum and Plasma Specimens. |
26431551 |
PLoS One |
Design and estimation for evaluating principal surrogate markers in vaccine trials. |
23409839 |
Biometrics |
Design of the Texas Hepatocellular Carcinoma Consortium Cohort Study. |
30699099 |
Am J Gastroenterol |
Designing cancer screening trials for reduction in late-stage cancer incidence. |
39302139 |
Designing Rigorous and Efficient Clinical Utility Studies for Early Detection Biomarkers. |
39223980 |
Detecting genomic aberrations using products in a multiscale analysis. |
19817738 |
Biometrics |
Detection of Chemotherapy-resistant Pancreatic Cancer Using a Glycan Biomarker, sTRA. |
33093149 |
Clin Cancer Res |
Developing and evaluating risk prediction models with panel current status data. |
32562264 |
Biometrics |
Development and Validation of an 18-Gene Urine Test for High-Grade Prostate Cancer. |
38635241 |
Development of common data elements: the experience of and recommendations from the early detection research network. |
12706181 |
Int J Med Inform |
Diagnostic markers for early detection of ovarian cancer. |
18258665 |
Clin Cancer Res |
Differential methylation of genes that regulate cytokine signaling in lymphoid and hematopoietic tumors. |
15580314 |
Oncogene |
Distribution-free ROC analysis using binary regression techniques. |
12933607 |
Biostatistics |
DNA methylation and cis-regulation of gene expression by prostate cancer risk SNPs. |
32226005 |
PLoS Genet |
DNA methylation profiles in African American prostate cancer patients in relation to disease progression. |
26902887 |
Genomics |
Does the net reclassification improvement help us evaluate models and markers? |
24592500 |
Ann Intern Med |
Early Detection Initiative: A randomized controlled trial of algorithm-based screening in patients with new onset hyperglycemia and diabetes for early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. |
34954100 |
Contemp Clin Trials |
Early-Phase Studies of Biomarkers: What Target Sensitivity and Specificity Values Might Confer Clinical Utility? |
27001493 |
Clin Chem |
Efficient use of longitudinal CD4 counts and viral load measures in survival analysis. |
22415871 |
Stat Med |
Epidemiologic methods developments: a look forward to the year 2032. |
17855116 |
Ann Epidemiol |
Epidemiology informing clinical practice: from bills of mortality to population laboratories. |
16341118 |
Nat Clin Pract Oncol |
Estimating improvement in prediction with matched case-control designs. |
23358916 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Estimating Risk with Time-to-Event Data: An Application to the Women's Health Initiative. |
25018574 |
J Am Stat Assoc |
Estimating the capacity for improvement in risk prediction with a marker. |
18714084 |
Biostatistics |
Estimating the diagnostic likelihood ratio of a continuous marker. |
20639522 |
Biostatistics |
Estimating the receiver operating characteristic curve in studies that match controls to cases on covariates. |
23601953 |
Acad Radiol |
Estimation and Comparison of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves. |
20161343 |
Stata J |
Estimation and inference of predictive discrimination for survival outcome risk prediction models. |
35061146 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Evaluating a New Cancer Screening Blood Test: Unintended Consequences and the Need for Clarity in Policy Making. |
32761203 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Evaluating and comparing biomarkers with respect to the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve in two-phase case-control studies. |
26883772 |
Biostatistics |
Evaluating classification performance of biomarkers in two-phase case-control studies. |
30209824 |
Stat Med |
Evaluating incremental values from new predictors with net reclassification improvement in survival analysis. |
23254468 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Evaluating longitudinal markers under two-phase study designs. |
29912281 |
Biostatistics |
Evaluating markers for selecting a patient's treatment. |
15606407 |
Biometrics |
Evaluating prognostic accuracy of biomarkers in nested case-control studies. |
21856652 |
Biostatistics |
Evaluating prognostic accuracy of biomarkers under competing risk. |
22150576 |
Biometrics |
Evaluating screening approaches for hepatocellular carcinoma in a cohort of HCV related cirrhosis patients from the Veteran's Affairs Health Care System. |
29301497 |
BMC Med Res Methodol |
Evaluating technologies for classification and prediction in medicine. |
16320261 |
Stat Med |
Evaluating the predictive value of biomarkers with stratified case-cohort design. |
23173848 |
Biometrics |
Evaluating the predictiveness of a continuous marker. |
17489968 |
Biometrics |
Evaluating the ROC performance of markers for future events. |
18064569 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Evaluation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry proteomic profiling: identification of alpha 2-HS glycoprotein B-chain as a biomarker of diet. |
15841498 |
Proteomics |
Evaluation of serum protein profiling by surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the detection of prostate cancer: I. Assessment of platform reproducibility. |
15613711 |
Clin Chem |
Evaluation of the branched-chain DNA assay for measurement of RNA in formalin-fixed tissues. |
18276773 |
J Mol Diagn |
Exosomes harbor B cell targets in pancreatic adenocarcinoma and exert decoy function against complement-mediated cytotoxicity. |
30651550 |
Nat Commun |
Extended lifespan of Barrett's esophagus epithelium transduced with the human telomerase catalytic subunit: a useful in vitro model. |
12807723 |
Carcinogenesis |
Factors influencing serum CA125II levels in healthy postmenopausal women. |
11352859 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
FDR-controlling testing procedures and sample size determination for microarrays. |
15977294 |
Stat Med |
Flexible variable selection in the presence of missing data. |
38348882 |
Further insight into the incremental value of new markers: the interpretation of performance measures and the importance of clinical context. |
22875756 |
Am J Epidemiol |
GALAD Score for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Detection in Comparison with Liver Ultrasound and Proposal of GALADUS Score. |
30464023 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Gauging the performance of SNPs, biomarkers, and clinical factors for predicting risk of breast cancer. |
18612128 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Genetic variation in CYP19A1 and risk of breast cancer and fibrocystic breast conditions among women in Shanghai, China. |
19064562 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Genomic instability and copy-number heterogeneity of chromosome 19q, including the kallikrein locus, in ovarian carcinomas. |
20800559 |
Mol Oncol |
Glutathione S-transferase M1 and P1 polymorphisms and risk of breast cancer and fibrocystic breast conditions in Chinese women. |
17624589 |
Breast Cancer Res Treat |
Glycan motif profiling reveals plasma sialyl-lewis x elevations in pancreatic cancers that are negative for sialyl-lewis A. |
25733690 |
Mol Cell Proteomics |
Glycans related to the CA19-9 antigen are elevated in distinct subsets of pancreatic cancers and improve diagnostic accuracy over CA19-9. |
26998508 |
Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol |
Glycosylation variants of mucins and CEACAMs as candidate biomarkers for the diagnosis of pancreatic cystic neoplasms. |
20395854 |
Ann Surg |
Group sequential testing of the predictive accuracy of a continuous biomarker with unknown prevalence. |
26537180 |
Stat Med |
Hybrid design evaluating new biomarkers when there is an existing screening test. |
33540472 |
Stat Med |
Identification of osteopontin as a novel marker for early hepatocellular carcinoma. |
21953299 |
Hepatology |
Identification of the optimal treatment regimen in the presence of missing covariates. |
31774192 |
Stat Med |
Identifying optimal biomarker combinations for treatment selection through randomized controlled trials. |
25948620 |
Clin Trials |
Identifying optimal biomarker combinations for treatment selection via a robust kernel method. |
25124089 |
Biometrics |
Identifying target populations for screening or not screening using logic regression. |
15568185 |
Stat Med |
iDINGO-integrative differential network analysis in genomics with Shiny application. |
29194470 |
Bioinformatics |
Immunohistochemical validation of expression microarray results. |
15858137 |
J Mol Diagn |
Impact of freeze-thaw cycles and storage time on plasma samples used in mass spectrometry based biomarker discovery projects. |
19305635 |
Improved Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using a Longitudinal Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening Algorithm. |
26260109 |
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol |
Improved Performance of Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis in HCV Cirrhosis with Normal Alanine Transaminase. |
28258053 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Improving biomarker identification with better designs and reporting. |
21666069 |
Clin Chem |
28943991 |
Ann Appl Stat |
Improving risk classification of critical illness with biomarkers: a simulation study. |
23566734 |
J Crit Care |
Improving the quality of biomarker discovery research: the right samples and enough of them. |
25837819 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Inactivation of p16, RUNX3, and HPP1 occurs early in Barrett's-associated neoplastic progression and predicts progression risk. |
15824739 |
Oncogene |
Incidence and Risk Factors for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhosis: The Multicenter Hepatocellular Carcinoma Early Detection Strategy (HEDS) Study. |
37429366 |
Incorporation of Urinary Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 and TMPRSS2:ERG into Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Risk Calculator. |
29422418 |
Eur Urol Focus |
Increased plasma levels of the APC-interacting protein MAPRE1, LRG1, and IGFBP2 preceding a diagnosis of colorectal cancer in women. |
22277732 |
Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
Insights into latent class analysis of diagnostic test performance. |
17085745 |
Biostatistics |
Insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 and the risk of fibrocystic breast conditions among Chinese women. |
16331609 |
Int J Cancer |
Integrated proteomic profiling of cell line conditioned media and pancreatic juice for the identification of pancreatic cancer biomarkers. |
21653254 |
Mol Cell Proteomics |
Integrating the predictiveness of a marker with its performance as a classifier. |
17982157 |
Am J Epidemiol |
Joint modeling, covariate adjustment, and interaction: contrasting notions in risk prediction models and risk prediction performance. |
21968770 |
Epidemiology |
Learning-based biomarker-assisted rules for optimized clinical benefit under a risk constraint. |
31833561 |
Biometrics |
Letter by Pepe et al regarding article, "Use and misuse of the receiver operating characteristic curve in risk prediction". |
17679623 |
Circulation |
Limitations of the odds ratio in gauging the performance of a diagnostic, prognostic, or screening marker. |
15105181 |
Am J Epidemiol |
24204441 |
Ann Appl Stat |
Low Prevalence of Screen-Detected Colorectal Cancer in an Average-Risk Population: The New Normal. |
34547437 |
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol |
Lung adenocarcinoma of never smokers and smokers harbor differential regions of genetic alteration and exhibit different levels of genomic instability. |
22412972 |
PLoS One |
MAPRE1 as a plasma biomarker for early-stage colorectal cancer and adenomas. |
26342024 |
Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
Matching in studies of classification accuracy: implications for analysis, efficiency, and assessment of incremental value. |
17501939 |
Biometrics |
Measures to summarize and compare the predictive capacity of markers. |
20224632 |
Int J Biostat |
Measuring the performance of markers for guiding treatment decisions. |
21320940 |
Ann Intern Med |
Methods for Assessing Improvement in Specificity when a Biomarker is Combined with a Standard Screening Test. |
20054437 |
Stat Biopharm Res |
Model checking for ROC regression analysis. |
17447940 |
Biometrics |
Model to Determine Risk of Pancreatic Cancer in Patients With New-Onset Diabetes. |
29775599 |
Gastroenterology |
Multiple independent genetic variants in the 8q24 region are associated with prostate cancer risk. |
18483343 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
MyProstateScore in men considering repeat biopsy: validation of a simple testing approach. |
36585434 |
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis |
National Liver Cancer Screening Trial (TRACER) study protocol. |
39495136 |
Net risk reclassification p values: valid or misleading? |
24681599 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
New connections between old pathways: PDK1 signaling promotes cellular transformation through PLK1-dependent MYC stabilization. |
24124229 |
Cancer Discov |
New weighting methods when cases are only a subset of events in a nested case-control study. |
35754309 |
Biom J |
Nidogen-2: a new serum biomarker for ovarian cancer. |
19883638 |
Clin Biochem |
Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Time-Dependent Accuracy Measures for Survival Outcome Under Two-Stage Sampling Designs. |
30555194 |
J Am Stat Assoc |
Observational studies, clinical trials, and the women's health initiative. |
17943443 |
Lifetime Data Anal |
Occurrence of autoantibodies to annexin I, 14-3-3 theta and LAMR1 in prediagnostic lung cancer sera. |
18794547 |
J Clin Oncol |
On longitudinal prediction with time-to-event outcome: Comparison of modeling options. |
27438160 |
Biometrics |
Optimized normalization for antibody microarrays and application to serum-protein profiling. |
15793073 |
Mol Cell Proteomics |
Outcomes of Active Surveillance for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer in the Prospective, Multi-Institutional Canary PASS Cohort. |
26327354 |
J Urol |
Ovarian cancer biomarker performance in prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial specimens. |
21372036 |
Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
Partial AUC estimation and regression. |
14601762 |
Biometrics |
Partially supervised learning using an EM-boosting algorithm. |
15032790 |
Biometrics |
Partly conditional survival models for longitudinal data. |
16011684 |
Biometrics |
Performance of a single assay for both type III and type VI TMPRSS2:ERG fusions in noninvasive prediction of prostate biopsy outcome. |
18948370 |
Clin Chem |
Performance of PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG urinary biomarkers in prediction of biopsy outcome in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS). |
30664734 |
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis |
Personalized Evaluation of Biomarker Value: A Cost-Benefit Perspective. |
27446505 |
Stat Biosci |
Personalized Integrated Network Modeling of the Cancer Proteome Atlas. |
30297783 |
Sci Rep |
Personalized statistical learning algorithms to improve the early detection of cancer using longitudinal biomarkers. |
35213362 |
Cancer Biomark |
Phases of biomarker development for early detection of cancer. |
11459866 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Pivotal evaluation of the accuracy of a biomarker used for classification or prediction: standards for study design. |
18840817 |
J Natl Cancer Inst |
Plasma biomarker for detection of early stage pancreatic cancer and risk factors for pancreatic malignancy using antibodies for apolipoprotein-AII isoforms. |
26549697 |
Sci Rep |
Plasma miRNA Biomarkers in Limited Volume Samples for Detection of Early-stage Pancreatic Cancer. |
33893071 |
Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
Polymorphisms in steroid hormone biosynthesis genes and risk of breast cancer and fibrocystic breast conditions in Chinese women. |
18483327 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Polymorphisms in the glutathione S-transferase M1, T1, and P1 genes and prostate cancer prognosis. |
16921513 |
Prostate |
Polymorphisms, mutations, and amplification of the EGFR gene in non-small cell lung cancers. |
17455987 |
PLoS Med |
Predicting time to prostate cancer recurrence based on joint models for non-linear longitudinal biomarkers and event time outcomes. |
12483774 |
Stat Med |
Prediction of ovarian cancer prognosis and response to chemotherapy by a serum-based multiparametric biomarker panel. |
18766180 |
Br J Cancer |
Prediction of patient-specific risk and percentile cohort risk of pathological stage outcome using continuous prostate-specific antigen measurement, clinical stage and biopsy Gleason score. |
20875091 |
BJU Int |
Presence of simian virus 40 DNA sequences in human lymphomas. |
11897287 |
Lancet |
Prevalidation of salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection. |
22301830 |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Pro-surfactant protein B as a biomarker for lung cancer prediction. |
24248694 |
J Clin Oncol |
Problems with risk reclassification methods for evaluating prediction models. |
21555714 |
Am J Epidemiol |
Prospective accuracy for longitudinal markers. |
17688486 |
Biometrics |
Prospective multicenter surveillance study of branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas; risk of dual carcinogenesis. |
39191596 |
Prostate cancer specific mortality and Gleason 7 disease differences in prostate cancer outcomes between cases with Gleason 4 + 3 and Gleason 3 + 4 tumors in a population based cohort. |
19836772 |
J Urol |
Quantifying and comparing the accuracy of binary biomarkers when predicting a failure time outcome. |
15122736 |
Stat Med |
Quantifying and comparing the predictive accuracy of continuous prognostic factors for binary outcomes. |
14744831 |
Biostatistics |
Quantifying peptide signal in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data. |
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Mol Cell Proteomics |
Rationale and design of the Hepatocellular carcinoma Early Detection Strategy study: A multi-center longitudinal initiative of the National Cancer Institute's Early Detection Research Network. |
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Contemp Clin Trials |
Re: "Clinical usefulness of the Framingham cardiovascular risk profile beyond its statistical performance: the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study". |
23524037 |
Am J Epidemiol |
Recommendation to use exact P-values in biomarker discovery research in place of approximate P-values. |
30099328 |
Cancer Epidemiol |
Refined Analysis of Prostate-specific Antigen Kinetics to Predict Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Outcomes. |
29433975 |
Eur Urol |
Reproducible two-dimensional capillary electrophoresis analysis of Barrett's esophagus tissues. |
16944874 |
Anal Chem |
Resampling Procedures for Making Inference under Nested Case-control Studies. |
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J Am Stat Assoc |
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J Natl Cancer Inst |
Revisiting the standard blueprint for biomarker development to address emerging cancer early detection technologies. |
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Risk Projection for Time-to-event Outcome Leveraging Summary Statistics With Source Individual-level Data. |
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J Am Stat Assoc |
Robust prediction of t-year survival with data from multiple studies. |
20670303 |
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Robust risk prediction with biomarkers under two-phase stratified cohort design. |
27037494 |
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Role of Surveillance Biopsy with No Cancer as a Prognostic Marker for Reclassification: Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. |
29433973 |
Eur Urol |
Sample size calculations for comparative studies of medical tests for detecting presence of disease. |
11870820 |
Stat Med |
Scale-based normalization of spectral data. |
17192066 |
Cancer Biomark |
SELDI-TOF MS whole serum proteomic profiling with IMAC surface does not reliably detect prostate cancer. |
18024530 |
Clin Chem |
Selecting Biomarkers for building optimal treatment selection rules using Kernel Machines. |
32921837 |
J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat |
Selecting differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments. |
12762450 |
Biometrics |
Semiparametric estimation of time-dependent ROC curves for longitudinal marker data. |
15475423 |
Biostatistics |
Semiparametric isotonic regression analysis for risk assessment under nested case-control and case-cohort designs. |
31868119 |
Stat Methods Med Res |
Semiparametric methods for evaluating risk prediction markers in case-control studies. |
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Biometrika |
Semiparametric methods for evaluating the covariate-specific predictiveness of continuous markers in matched case-control studies. |
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J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat |
Semiparametric models of time-dependent predictive values of prognostic biomarkers. |
19397579 |
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Sequential Validation of Blood-Based Protein Biomarker Candidates for Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer. |
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J Natl Cancer Inst |
Serum Glycans as Risk Markers for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. |
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Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
Serum protein fingerprinting coupled with a pattern-matching algorithm distinguishes prostate cancer from benign prostate hyperplasia and healthy men. |
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Cancer Res |
Signal detection in high-resolution mass spectrometry data. |
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J Proteome Res |
Smoke exposure, histologic type and geography-related differences in the methylation profiles of non-small cell lung cancer. |
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Standardizing diagnostic markers to evaluate and compare their performance. |
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Epidemiology |
Statistical Aspects of the Use of Biomarkers in Nutritional Epidemiology Research. |
19841649 |
Stat Biosci |
Statistical considerations in combining biomarkers for disease classification. |
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Statistical inference for net benefit measures in biomarker validation studies. |
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Statistical issues in the evaluation of screening and early detection modalities. |
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Urol Oncol |
Statistical Methods for Tissue Array Images - Algorithmic Scoring and Co-training. |
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Ann Appl Stat |
Strategies for validating biomarkers using data from a reference set. |
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Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration. |
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Eur J Hum Genet |
Strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration. |
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Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration. |
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Eur J Clin Invest |
Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration. |
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Eur J Epidemiol |
Structured penalties for functional linear models-partially empirical eigenvectors for regression. |
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Electron J Stat |
Study Design Considerations for Cancer Biomarker Discoveries. |
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J Appl Lab Med |
Survival model predictive accuracy and ROC curves. |
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Tailoring Intensity of Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Based on Individualized Prediction of Risk Stability. |
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JAMA Oncol |
Targeted Search for Individualized Clinical Decision Rules to Optimize Clinical Outcomes. |
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Telomere length in the colon declines with age: a relation to colorectal cancer? |
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Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
Testing for improvement in prediction model performance. |
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The analysis of placement values for evaluating discriminatory measures. |
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The Doylestown Algorithm: A Test to Improve the Performance of AFP in the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. |
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Cancer Prev Res (Phila) |
The Early Detection Research Network's Specimen reference sets: paving the way for rapid evaluation of potential biomarkers. |
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Clin Chem |
The impact of prostate volume, number of biopsy cores and American Urological Association symptom score on the sensitivity of cancer detection using the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial risk calculator. |
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The joint graphical lasso for inverse covariance estimation across multiple classes. |
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J R Stat Soc Series B Stat Methodol |
The length of the receiver operating characteristic curve and the two cutoff Youden index within a robust framework for discovery, evaluation, and cutoff estimation in biomarker studies involving improper receiver operating characteristic curves. |
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The optimal ratio of cases to controls for estimating the classification accuracy of a biomarker. |
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The potential of genes and other markers to inform about risk. |
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Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev |
The risk of biopsy-detectable prostate cancer using the prostate cancer prevention Trial Risk Calculator in a community setting. |
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The sensitivity and specificity of markers for event times. |
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The use of kallikrein-related peptidases as adjuvant prognostic markers in colorectal cancer. |
19367279 |
Br J Cancer |
Three-tiered risk stratification model to predict progression in Barrett's esophagus using epigenetic and clinical features. |
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PLoS One |
Time-dependent Predictive Values of Prognostic Biomarkers with Failure Time Outcome. |
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J Am Stat Assoc |
Tree-based Ensemble Methods For Individualized Treatment Rules. |
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Biostat Epidemiol |
Two-stage biomarker panel study and estimation allowing early termination for futility. |
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Ulcerative colitis is a disease of accelerated colon aging: evidence from telomere attrition and DNA damage. |
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Gastroenterology |
Ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer arises in a field of short telomeres, senescence, and inflammation. |
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Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor DNA (usctDNA) in Plasma and Saliva of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients. |
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Ultrasensitive detection and characterization of posttranslational modifications using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. |
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Unbiased estimation of biomarker panel performance when combining training and testing data in a group sequential design. |
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Updating risk prediction tools: a case study in prostate cancer. |
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Upgrading of Grade Group 1 Prostate Cancer at Prostatectomy: Germline Risk Factors in a Prospective Cohort. |
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Urinary TMPRSS2:ERG and PCA3 in an active surveillance cohort: results from a baseline analysis in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. |
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Clin Cancer Res |
Use of the MyProstateScore Test to Rule Out Clinically Significant Cancer: Validation of a Straightforward Clinical Testing Approach. |
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Using the ROC curve for gauging treatment effect in clinical trials. |
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Stat Med |
Validation of a novel model for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. |
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Clin Proteomics |
Validation of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma Early Detection Screening (HES) Algorithm in a Cohort of Veterans With Cirrhosis. |
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Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol |
Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk. |
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When does combining markers improve classification performance and what are implications for practice? |
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